Sunday, May 10, 2009

Keeta's First Day Outside!!

Today Keeta got to go outside of her pen. I felt that she has been progressing enough and giving to the lead well so I decided to open the panels and take her out. She was good, and seemed happy to get outside to smell everything and paw at the ground. The only issue was going back...there is a slight dip where the beginning of a drainage ditch is and she didn't want to walk back across it. So, we tried that for about 45minutes before Rylee came back and brought me some hay to bribe her with-it worked! She tried so hard today, and I was really encouraged with the way she behaved (even though she took off and drug me once-she let me catch her again!)

Rylee's filly is now in her pen without a drag line so that she can work on letting Rylee catch her without a big deal-and it isn't. She is quite the little fireball-if she's not sleeping she is up running and bucking and making laps in her pen. Or she's rolling in a mudhole!! (Argh...)

The good thing is that both girls are getting along fine with my mare Missy (and likewise) which had kind of worried me in the beginning because usually Missy doesn't get along well with other mares. But it's working out fine, and we haven't had any violent disturbances-and it's nice that Missy can mingle with them without being able to make any serious contact (she can touch noses and smell them through the panels) So, that's good, and I'm thinking this will help to not have any issues when they all get turned out together later.

Thanks for checking in, and happy horsing around!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Day 4

Just created a blog-its day 4 today. So far we are both doing pretty good.
I have named my filly (8561) Keeta. She started out very fearful and always ran or hid in a corner when I went into her pen. Since then we have progressed to me being able to go into her pen, and, after she makes a couple laps of her pen, she stops by the panel wall and waits for me to come up and rub her all over. Her uncomfortable spots are the point of her shoulder and past the front half of her neck (she doesn't want me to touch that beautiful face after all-I might eat it!!) She is settling in well, and has discovered that shelter is good because it is shady and the flies leave you alone when you are in the dark.
She has also figured out the automatic waterer!! And she much prefers it to a small trough. She got her halter off Tuesday, and I was able to get it back on that night, which was good. She has started following small tugs to the side, so maybe we'll be leading by the end of the week (just jinxed myself!!)
I'll have Rylee post later!!